ZOLEO Track And Share Is Avaiable Now

September 17, 2023 2 min read

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What is the ZOLEO Track?

With the purchase of an optional Location Share+ subscription, ZOLEO device users can automatically share location updates at predetermined intervals rather than manually checking in. ZOLEO Track allows account owners to visualise their path of travel (detailed track points) as well as SOS events.

Follow the most recently reported location of the selected ZOLEO devices on a web-based map, as well as the device's most recent 100 location reports. View the detailed track points (course of travel) and location events, including automated updates, check-ins, and SOS incidents, within a Location Share+ session.


With ZOLEO Track, account owners can now achieve the following:

  • Easy setup and registration via my ZOLEO
  • Auto-import devices; easily select or deselect
  • Assign devices unique names.
  • View locations as "dots on a-map” (+ up to 100 prior locations) and details.
  • Device name, location, status (check-in, active location sharing, SOS alert)
  • View detailed path of travel (With a Location Share+ subscription)
  • Filter the map by device number, device state, or assigned name.
  • Choice of Map box map: Terrain, Satellite, Outdoors
  • Standard reports: by device state (SOS, all data)
  • Data export by month (CSV, Excel, PDF, PowerPoint, Rich Text Format, TIFF, Word)



To enable a smooth messaging experience, the ZOLEO device connects via Bluetooth® to a free app on the user's Android® or Apple® smartphone or tablet. Messages are routed automatically through the lowest-cost network using Iridium® Short Burst Data® (SBD®), cell phones, and Wi-Fi®.

  • Improved situational awareness of device users in the field.
  • Historical reports and data that can be exported for additional analysis.
  • Included as part of the standard offering for account holders.
  • Location Share+ is recommended for a detailed path of travel (based on the selected interval).

Zoleo track and share buy zoleo at keep track gps perth

Who can use Zoleo Track? Zoleo Track is accessible to everyone! If you have multiple devices registered to your account and want to track their locations, or if you have a single device and want to grant access to your location to more people than your five Location Share+ contacts via the web, ZOLEO Track is the ideal solution to provide you with the real-time location of your device(s). The Iridium®-powered Location Share+ enables ZOLEO users to share their location.

The Iridium®-powered ZOLEO satellite communicator provides everything you need to stay connected and secure when you're out of cell range. Are you interested in purchasing a ZOLEO device?

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